Day 10: Mastering Views and Indexes in SQL: Enhancing Data Access and Performance

Ashimabha Bose
3 min readOct 23, 2023


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Navigating the Data Landscape: Views and Indexes

In the realm of relational databases, views and indexes serve as powerful tools for optimizing data access and enhancing query performance. Views provide customized perspectives of underlying data, while indexes act as data navigation maps, accelerating query execution.

Views: Customized Data Perspectives

Views are virtual tables that present a tailored view of data derived from one or more base tables. They act as filters, simplifying complex queries and providing a customized perspective of the underlying data.

Creating Views:

Views are created using the CREATE VIEW statement, specifying the desired data selection and any applicable conditions. For instance, consider a view named 'active_customers' that displays active customers from the 'customers' table:

CREATE VIEW active_customers AS
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE status = 'active';

Using Views:

Views can be used in queries just like regular tables. For example, to retrieve the names of all active customers:

SELECT name FROM active_customers;

Benefits of Views:

  • Data Abstraction: Views hide the complexity of underlying data structures, presenting a simplified and customized view.
  • Security Enhancement: Views can restrict access to sensitive data, ensuring that users only see what they need.
  • Query Simplification: Views encapsulate complex queries, making them easier to reuse and maintain.

Indexes: Data Navigation Maps

Indexes are specialized data structures that accelerate data retrieval by providing a roadmap to the underlying data. They act as indexes in a book, allowing for faster lookups and improved query performance.

Purpose of Indexes:

When a query is executed without an index, the database must scan the entire table to find the relevant records. This can be time-consuming, especially for large tables. Indexes address this issue by creating a sorted list of values for specific columns, enabling faster data retrieval.

Types of Indexes:

  • Clustered Indexes: These indexes physically rearrange the table data based on the index key, making them highly efficient for queries involving the indexed column(s).
  • Non-clustered Indexes: These indexes maintain a separate sorted structure alongside the table data, providing faster access for queries involving the indexed column(s) without altering the table’s physical order.

Impact on Query Performance:

Indexes can significantly improve query performance, especially for large tables or queries involving frequently searched columns. However, they come with a trade-off, as they consume additional storage space and can slow down data modification operations.

Choosing the Right Index:

The decision to create an index depends on various factors, including the frequency of queries, the size of the table, and the type of data being queried. Clustered indexes are typically used for frequently queried columns that uniquely identify records, while non-clustered indexes are suitable for less frequently queried columns or those that don’t uniquely identify records.


Views and indexes are valuable tools for managing and optimizing data access in SQL. Views provide customized perspectives of underlying data, simplifying complex queries and enhancing data security. Indexes, on the other hand, act as data navigation maps, accelerating query execution and improving overall performance. By understanding the nuances of views and indexes, database professionals can effectively manage data access, enhance query performance, and optimize their data management strategies.



Ashimabha Bose

Senior Business Analyst | Power BI | Digital Marketer | Data Analyst | AI Enthusiast